Coronavirus Lawyer Phoenix, AZ


It sounds strange, but there are already many reasons why it may be critically important for you to speak with a coronavirus lawyer Phoenix, AZ recommends. Life in America changed drastically once the coronavirus, or COVID-19, gained a foothold in our country. We have all been asked to make sacrifices to prevent the coronavirus spread, especially to protect those most vulnerable to the virus—the elderly and those with compromised immune systems. But we should NEVER be asked to sacrifice patient or resident safety in the name of this crisis. Hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other care providers have always been under legal obligations to have infection control procedures in place to handle a pandemic such as this one. Our coronavirus lawyer in Phoenix, AZ shares that sadly, many chose to ignore those requirements thinking “that will never happen to us.” The coronavirus is not an excuse for healthcare providers to throw up their arms in exasperation. Although these are difficult circumstances, it is not a valid excuse for wrongdoing and negligence.

If you need a Phoenix, AZ coronavirus lawyer, please contact our office. We can help provide legal services regarding:

  • Healthcare providers failure to provide personal protective equipment to patients AND staff (nurses, physicians, etc.)
  • Nursing home and assisted living facility failed to provide sufficient staff (in number and training) during quarantines
  • Healthcare facility failure to implement a reasonable infection control protocol in response to coronavirus
  • Businesses using the coronavirus as the “excuse” to fire employees and staff when the actual reason is different
  • Businesses failing to provide fair time off for employees during the coronavirus pandemic, especially to those employees forced to care for children affected by school closures may be a sure sign that you need our coronavirus lawyer in Phoenix, AZ to assist you
  • Insurance companies and landlords claiming the coronavirus is not sufficient to trigger “force majeure” clauses (also known as “act of God” clauses) and still forcing small business to pay rent even while closed

These are just a few of the reasons you might need a Phoenix, AZ coronavirus lawyer in your corner. At Rispoli Law, we respect and understand that COVID-19 is an extraordinary event that requires all of us to make reasonable sacrifices. Failure to abide by basic safety principles is not reasonable. Taking advantage of this crisis to hurt or scam others is unacceptable. If you believe you need to consult with our Phoenix, AZ coronavirus lawyer, please contact us for a free evaluation of your claim.

Your Coronavirus Questions Answered

People all over the world are finding themselves facing unprecedented situations. As COVID-19 has made its way around the globe, we now find ourselves facing a global pandemic. This has had a significant impact on the way people function in their daily lives. Our coronavirus lawyer trusted in Phoenix, Arizona, knows that employers, employees, healthcare facilities, and more are facing situations that they never thought they would contend with. Because of this, it can be challenging to sort through ways that this epidemic has had an impact on fundamental human rights. You will undoubtedly have many questions regarding COVID-19. Our coronavirus lawyer in Phoenix, AZ, has provided you the answers you may be in search of regarding COVID-19 and employment law:

If I have traveled out of state, can my employer require that I quarantine?

All employers should follow recommendations in place by the CDC. Because COVID-19 has impacted states all over the country, it’s crucial to avoid travel whenever possible and abide by local stay home stay safe orders. In the state of Arizona, our coronavirus lawyer serving the Phoenix area shares that anyone who travels out of state to areas with a substantial spread will be required to quarantine for 14 days.   

My employer is telling me that they will need to take my temperature before coming into the workplace, is this legal?

Typically this is not standard practice and may be considered illegal. However, the EEOC recently issued guidance that allows employers to take the temperature of employees in efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19. It’s essential to be aware that if you have further questions about safety practices put in place by your employer, you may want to contact our Phoenix, AZ coronavirus lawyer to ensure your rights are protected. 

Could I lose my job if I am unable to work because of coronavirus?

This depends upon the details surrounding your specific situation. If you contracted coronavirus and were unable to work, you should be provided with up to 12 weeks away. Keep in mind that this is only available for employees who qualify. If you believe you lost your job due to retaliation, you will want to contact a coronavirus lawyer in Phoenix, AZ, as soon as possible. 

What should I do if my employer requires me to come to work despite the stay at home order?

At the end of March, the governor ordered all non-essential employees to work from home. This left many employers facing the prospect of shuttering their businesses. If you were required to return to work, you might want to reach out to our Phoenix, AZ coronavirus lawyer, to discuss your options. Your employer could have put not only the community but you at risk. 

How can Rispoli Law, PLLC Help Me?

With so many unknowns, you may be unsure whether you should take legal action with our Phoenix, AZ coronavirus lawyer. For many, navigating the challenges and injustices that arise as a result of COVID-19 can be incredibly difficult. Rispoli Law, PLLC is here to help you navigate the uncertainty. We know that, like many, you have been impacted. Let us help you; our lawyers can provide you with: 

  • Steadfast support and legal guidance during this trying time
  • A Phoenix, AZ coronavirus lawyer who is prepared to assess the best way to move forward
  • Compassionate attorneys who are dedicated to seeing the process through with our clients
  • Professionals who will provide you with the answers to the many questions you have
  • Reliable and experienced staff who will seek justice for you

People in search of answers find themselves experiencing ever-changing information. This is especially true as the world grapples with an utterly unknown virus. At Rispoli Law, PLLC, our Phoenix, AZ coronavirus lawyer, is dedicated to weathering this storm. For the help you need, contact us as soon as possible. 

Our Phoenix, AZ coronavirus lawyers, hope you all stay safe and healthy in these surreal times.

Reasons You Might Need a Lawyer During Coronavirus

COVID-19 has had a substantial impact on people across the globe. The life that we have become accustomed to has changed forever. With the way the world has had to pivot to navigate these new changes, there is still a need for Phoenix, AZ lawyers, despite coronavirus. The world does not stop turning even during a crisis, it may slow down some, but more than ever, people seek guidance from lawyers like the experienced staff at Rispoli Law, PLLC. We are here to provide you with the support that you not only need but deserve during a time that is so full of unknowns. 

Reason #1: Employee Issues

As an employer, issues surrounding employees still stand to arise. You may be facing situations involving workers who have been injured at work, the need to dismiss employees for poor performance, and more. You will need a Phoenix, AZ coronavirus lawyer to ensure that you are managing employment issues in the best and most appropriate way possible. 

Reason #2: Assisted Living Facilities

Problems stand to arise when dealing with medical facilities and assisted living facilities. If your loved one has been injured at the hands of negligence while in a nursing home facility, you need our coronavirus lawyer in Phoenix, AZ. If the nursing home failed to uphold their duty of care and adequately protect your loved one during this time by having the required practices in place, you may be able to take action for your losses. 

Reason #3: Personal Injury Claims

Despite the pandemic that the world and our country is facing, we want you to know that accidents still happen. Whether you have suffered from a car accident, a slip and fall, medical malpractice, or workplace accident, it may be in your best interest to take legal action. Working with a coronavirus lawyer in Phoenix, Arizona, can play an essential role in ensuring that your case is appropriately valued and that you can obtain the compensation you may be entitled to. 

Rispoli Law, PLLC

We know that if you are experiencing legal issues during this time, you will have many questions. Rispoli Law, PLLC can provide you with a Phoenix, AZ coronavirus lawyer during a time that is full of uncertainties. We are working hard to ensure as seamless a process as possible while working to take our part in stopping the spread of COVID-19. Currently, many courtrooms have limited access, meaning that the courtrooms will have as few people as possible. Some participants may even participate through the use of technology to limit in-person contact. We want you to know that your case will still be a top priority despite these changes and receive the attention that it deserves. To get started or receive the support and legal guidance that you may need, contact Rispoli Law, PLLC, Phoenix, AZ coronavirus lawyers you can rely on today. 

We can provide you with the flexibility that you need during this time. We are prepared to fully support our clients with whatever they may need during this challenging time. Our top priority is to provide our clients with the support and legal representation needed to pursue their case. We want you to know that we can apply our experience to your specific situation and put your best foot forward. For help, schedule an appointment with our Phoenix, AZ coronavirus lawyer at Rispoli Law, PLLC, today.