What Happens if You Are Injured in an Uber Accident?

Uber accidents are becoming more and more common as the ride-sharing service takes over the commercial driving market. Just like any other car ride, however, riding in an Uber, or other service such as Lyft or even a taxi, as a passenger comes with a risk of being involved in an accident. If you have been involved in an Uber accident as a passenger and were injured, you may be considering pursuing compensation for your injury. You may be wondering how to pursue your claim and what step to take next.

Just like other car accidents, Uber accidents will involve insurance companies. Uber drivers are insured by Uber while they are en route to pick up a passenger and while driving a passenger to a location. During all other times, such as driving around while waiting for a new ride request, Uber drivers have to rely on their own personal insurance policy for coverage in the event of an accident. So, if you were injured while riding as a passenger in an Uber, you will likely be dealing with Uber’s insurance company in discussing compensation for your injuries. In turn, Uber’s insurance company may be talking to another driver or that driver’s insurance company if that driver was at fault during the accident. Finally, you will most likely be talking to your own health insurance company regarding your injuries. As you can see, the sheer number of parties potentially involved in an Uber accident can make figuring out how you can get monetary compensation for your injuries extremely complicated. Insurance companies often make early settlement offers to potential plaintiffs to avoid lawsuits. But, these offers are often low and you should be very skeptical of their fairness.

To help you weigh your options and potentially pursue a personal injury claim against an Uber driver, consider calling an attorney with significant experience in car accident cases representing plaintiffs. These attorneys will be able to decipher the web of insurance companies to figure out how best to pursue fair compensation for your injuries. A competent attorney will also be able to evaluate your claim by considering the nature of your injuries, the likelihood you will need future treatment and rehabilitative care, the extent of any permanent disability or disfigurement, and other extenuating circumstances that will affect the value of your claim. A good attorney will make sure that you know a fair settlement range, so that you do  not accept an offer too low, and that you think carefully about rejecting a reasonable offer to avoid a costly and time-consuming trial.

An experienced car accident lawyer Lakeland, Florida trusts might be just who you need in your corner as you pursue your Uber accident claim. Attorneys represent people like you in personal injury claims resulting from car accidents and are at the cutting edge of cases and law regarding injuries occurring during commercial ride-sharing accidents.

Thank you to our friends and contributors at David & Philpot, P.L. for their knowledge about personal injury and Uber.