How can nursing home abuse be prevented?

Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer Phoenix, AZ

Lawyers not only provide counsel to injured nursing home victims, but also provide legal advice, including tips that can help people to stay safe and prevent abuse from happening. This kind of advice can be invaluable for elders and family members.

As much as we take pride in our ability to navigate and win nursing home abuse cases, we would prefer that family and residents can take the initial steps to stop nursing home abuse from happening.

Preventing Nursing Home Abuse

A nursing home has a number of duties that they must legally adhere to; part of these include the duty to safeguard and protect residents.

Many residents enter a nursing home because they are fragile, are no longer functioning at an optimal level, or require round the clock care. Some might be able to handle most of their affairs, but others may be at the mercy of the nursing home staff. The family of the elder may also feel subject to the staff’s ability to care for their loved one’s well being, and will not be there all of the time. These people put their trust in the home, and expect that even when they are not around, their elderly loved one is given the attention and respect he or she deserves.

In a majority of cases, resident’s of a nursing home facility are not deliberately harmed by the staff, but rather are neglected. Many homes lack sufficient staff who are trained to handle the unique needs of the resident’s. For example, our firm has handled cases that involve a staff member, who was a cook for example, but was given the duties of a nurse because there was not enough staff on hand.

Naturally, you might be concerned about putting your elder loved one into a home. There are steps you can take to keep abuse or neglect from happening. Although you cannot guarantee that this harm won’t happen, by taking these steps, you can feel peace of mind in knowing that you tried to ensure your loved one had the best care.

Visit on a Regular Basis – As obvious as this sounds, you might not realize that homes tend to monitor which resident’s have frequent visitors and which do not. In general, resident’s who are not visited often tend to be at more risk for neglect. Visiting doesn’t mean you are required to stay for several hours. Even a short, 10 minute drop in can signify that the resident has people who are watching over him or her.

Visit At Different Times – Rather than visiting at the same time, vary your schedule. This can prevent staff from anticipating your arrival. By visiting your loved one at random times, the staff will know that they should be taking the necessary measures all of the time, rather than the times that you are expected to show.

Get to Know Who the Staff Are – The staff of a nursing home should be similar to a friend. Take time to get to know who they are. Ask them about their day or their weekend. Bring snacks every now and then, especially during the holidays. In doing so, they may put extra effort into the wellbeing of your loved one.

Observe Your Surroundings – You don’t have to be a manage of a facility to notice a home that is well run versus one that is cutting corners. When you visit, be sure to walk around the facility and take note of what you see. Is there a lot of paperwork strewn about? Do other residents look like they are being cared for. Is the facility clean (check the stairwells, elevators, restrooms, etc.)? Are the nurses at the nursing station bust, or are they distracted with their phones? All of these things should give you an idea of how the facility is being ran.

Observe Your Loved One – Regardless of how communicative your elderly loved one maybe, you should be able to gauge their care based on their appearance. Bed sores, unexplained injuries, sudden weight loss, poor hygiene, being withdrawn, or constant crying are all signs that something is not right.

Bare in mind that being in a nursing home can be a struggle for some residents; however, if you notice your loved one’s behavior, physical health, financial situation, or appearance getting worse, it could indicate abuse or neglect.

If you believe your loved one is being abused or neglected while living in a nursing home, it is essential that you take action immediately. Call a nursing home abuse lawyer Phoenix, AZ turns to at Rispoli Law, PLLC  for legal advice on what to do next.