How Can I Teach My Teen to Avoid Car Accidents?

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Few situations are more shocking to the system than being involved in a car accident. And unfortunately, the least experienced drivers on American roads are the most likely to suffer as a result of serious accidents. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death among teenagers in the U.S. As a result, it is critically important to teach your children not only to drive safely in general but to avoid accidents in particular.

Practice Makes Proficient

In terms of driving, practice does not make perfect. There are too many variables in play when a driver is behind the wheel for perfection to serve as a reasonable goal. When teaching a new driver to both be safe generally and avoid accidents specifically, the aim should generally be to become so proficient at driving safely that your teen will be able to be consistently proactive in his or her approach to navigating the road.

For example, it is not enough to simply look both ways when pausing at a stop sign. Teaching your teen to glance both ways when passing cross streets marked by stop signs, even when he or she has no such stop required, will help him or her to avoid collisions caused by those who do not respect stop signs. If everyone followed the rules of the road, few accidents would occur. By teaching your teen proactive habits and insisting upon their use until he or she becomes a truly proficient safe driver will help to ensure that he or she is less likely to be harmed as a result of others’ inattention and mistakes.

Thinking Beyond the Obvious

It is now widely understood that driving while distracted is just as dangerous as driving while drunk. But did you know that driving while drowsy or emotionally agitated can be just as hazardous for motorists? While you are teaching your child about the potential consequences of driving while drunk and driving while distracted, consider having your teen research both drowsy and aggressive driving. Having your teen do this research himself or herself will hopefully make the information “stick†more completely than it would if you simply lecture on the subject. The statistics related to these common driving behaviors are astonishing.

Answers to Additional Questions

If your new driver has been involved in an accident, please do not hesitate to reach out to an experienced personal injury attorney. It is important to deal with this kind of situation as thoroughly as possible so that you and your teen may better understand how this situation may affect his or her driving record, insurance obligations and other potential liabilities.

It is also possible that the accident was either partially your teen’s fault or not his or her fault at all. Under these circumstances, it may be beneficial for your family to explore your legal options in regards to personal injury claims. No two collisions are exactly the same, so it is generally a good idea to speak with an personal injury lawyer Longwood, FL trusts in order to make informed decisions about any single accident.


Thank you to our friends and contributors at David & Philpot, PL for their insight into teens and car accidents.