Elder Care Abuse Lawyer in Phoenix AZ

Elder Care Abuse Lawyer in Phoenix AZ A person holding onto a wooden cane

If you are worried about abuse when you leave your elderly loved one in a nursing home, you should contact the elder care abuse lawyer Phoenix, Arizona has to offer from Rispoli Law, PLLC. Leaving any of your family members in someone else’s hands takes trust, but when you leave an elderly family member in the hands of a nursing home, you expect that they will take care of their needs physically, mentally, and even emotionally. It can be very hard for a family to support their parents and grandparents when their mental and physical health begins to decline, so we trust that the people we leave them with at a nursing home will ensure their needs are met. However, you may not know the signs to look out for if someone is abusing your loved one. It is not always as obvious as large bruises or broken bones. Instead, elder abuse in nursing homes can be non-physical as well. Our elder care abuse lawyer Phoenix AZ trusts wants you to know the different signs you can look out for to tell if your loved one is in a safe place. Please read our article below on ways you can tell if your loved one is suffering from abuse.

What types of abuse are there?

As our elder care abuse lawyer in Phoenix, AZ noted above, you cannot rely on obvious signs of physical abuse when it comes to nursing home abuse. Instead, other signs are:

  •     Emotional Abuse
  •     Sexual Abuse
  •     Financial Abuse
  •     Neglect

What are some warning signs of abuse?

There are many warning signs you can look out for. It may be a combination of different signs or it may be just one. For example, your loved one may all of a sudden have very obvious injuries. They could suffer from broken bones, burns, or even fractures. If your loved one is suffering from emotional abuse, on the other hand, you can expect to see:

  •     A change in their routine or behavior.
  •     Forced isolation by their caregiver.
  •     Scared or anxious behavior when their caregiver is around.

If your loved one is suffering from sexual abuse, you might see: 

  •     Bruising or swollen genitals.
  •     A sexually transmitted infection or disease.
  •     Bleeding from the genitals.
  •     Pain when they go to the bathroom.

If a caregiver at the nursing home is financially abusing your loved one, you might see: 

  •     Unexplained withdrawals from their bank account.
  •     Them allowing someone else to have control of their finances.
  •     Their caregiver unable to explain their recent financial transactions.

If they are being neglected, you might see:

  •     Bedsores.
  •     A lack of personal hygiene.
  •     They have lost weight.
  •     They are not being given their medication.
  •     They are not getting their basic needs met.

Getting Help From an Elder Care Abuse Lawyer in Phoenix, AZ

An Arizona elder care abuse lawyer knows it is not always easy to spot signs of abuse, especially when the abuse is emotional, financial, or they are neglected. However, when you know the signs to look out for, you can empower yourself as their family member to put a stop to the abuse. If your loved one is in a nursing home and you believe there are signs of abuse, please reach out to Rispoli Law, PLLC. We care about our clients and their families and want to ensure they get the help they need. Call our elder care abuse lawyer in Phoenix, AZ today.Â