Dangerous Drugs & Medical Devices Lawyer

Personal Injury Lawyer in Phoenix

If you have been injured because of a drug or medical device, please call a dangerous drugs and medical devices lawyer, personal injury lawyer in Phoenix, right now. Time is of the essence, do not delay!

Every year, new medical devices and drugs are introduced to the consumer market by corporations and other companies. These products often tend to “promise” to “fix” some ailment or “save” lives. Although it may be true that these companies do believe in the capability of their product, sometimes the information provided to the public, or even medical professionals, is misleading or completely untrue. In other situations, a device or drug is rushed onto the market in an attempt to get ahead of competitors. This results in limited testing and other potential hazards.

Unfortunately, when these scenarios occur, injuries or death may result. The truth is, that this type of marketing is reckless and leaves individuals vulnerable and at risk. As a  dangerous drugs and medical devices lawyer, we find actions like these to be unacceptable. If you or a loved one was harmed because of a medical device or drug that you thought was safe, but was not, please don’t hesitate in calling a dangerous drugs and medical devices lawyer to find out if we can help you.

Understanding Dangerous Drugs

Nearly all people will take a medication at one point or another. However, some people do so in thinking the medication is safe. Others are not aware of the side effects, and in some cases, they were misdiagnosed, misprescribed, or misinformed. When a person was prescribed a medication without warning, given the wrong dosage, or the pharmaceutical company failed to warn the user about a side effect, a  dangerous drugs, and medical devices lawyer may pursue a product liability claim. The following are common drugs (not limited to) that have led to problems and civil claims or lawsuits.

  • Adderall
  • Avandia
  • Celebrex
  • Cipro
  • Digitek
  • Fen-Pen
  • Gardasil
  • Ortho Evra
  • Paxil
  • ReNu
  • Seroquel
  • Viagra
  • Yasmin/Yaz
  • Zyprexa

A dangerous drug, such as one listed above, could result in side effects including:

  • Birth defects
  • Internal bleeding
  • Stroke
  • Heart attack
  • Cancer
  • Death

Understanding Defective Medical Devices

Sometimes the manufacturer of a medical device uses poor quality materials or does not efficiently test their product. Over many years, thousands of people have been injured or died because of a defective medical device. Our dangerous drugs and medical devices lawyers have handled cases that have involved:

  • Talcum powder
  • Transvaginal mesh
  • Knee replacements
  • Shoulder pain pumps
  • Metal-on-metal hip implants
  • Hernia mesh and hernia patches

Get a Free Case Review About Your Dangerous Drug or Faulty Medical Device

If you believe you are the victim of a faulty medical device or a dangerous drug, it is important you explore your legal options as soon as possible. By doing so, you increase the chances of preserving any evidence and safeguarding your rights. For a free and confidential case review by a dangerous drugs and medical devices lawyer, please call a lawyer today.

Contact Rispoli Law PLLC for more insight into personal injury practice.