Nursing Home Malpractice Lawyers Phoenix AZ

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Giving a Powerful Voice to Those Injured by the Wrongdoing of Others

Giving a Powerful Voice to Those Injured by the Wrongdoing of Others


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Nursing Home Malpractice Lawyers Phoenix AZ

A Nursing Home Malpractice Lawyers Phoenix AZ Offers Guidance

Nursing Home Malpractice Lawyers Phoenix AZ Offers Guidance

Nursing Home Malpractice Lawyers Phoenix AZ

If you believe your loved one has been abused in a nursing home, you need the help of nursing home malpractice lawyers in Phoenix, Arizona. Neglect and abuse can lead to devastating effects on the health and emotional well-being of seniors living in a nursing home. During this stage in your loved one’s life, they may be vulnerable to mistreatment and severe abuse. At Rispoli Law, PLLC, we fight to defend the rights and protections of seniors who were the victims of neglect or abuse. Nursing home malpractice lawyers in Phoenix, AZ from our firm can hold the nursing home responsible for the actions of their staff and for failing to enforce policies that are designed to protect their residents.

Signs That Your Loved One May Not Be Receiving Proper Care

There are a number of signs of neglect or abuse that can help you uncover what is happening to your loved one. Being aware of the warning signs can help you to protect your loved one from mistreatment or help you to fight against the injustice. Nursing home malpractice lawyers in Phoenix, Arizona from our firm can point to these symptoms in our claim against the facility.

  • Neglect Warning Signs:
  • Malnourishment
  • Dehydration
  • Unexplained infections or diseases
  • Unsafe living conditions
  • Not being dressed appropriately for the weather
  • The presence of bed sores ( Are Bed Sores a Sign of Nursing Home Abuse? )
  • Medication errors
  • Changes in behavior
  • Abuse Warning Signs:
  • Unexplainable bruises, fractures or broken bones
  • Torn clothing
  • Unexplained bleeding or cuts
  • Trying to leave the facility
  • Changes in behavior
  • Financial Exploitation:
  • Forging their signature
  • Misusing the elder’s credit cards, checks or accounts
  • Stealing checks, medication, cash or personal belongings
  • Authorizing transfers or withdrawals
  • Stealing the patient’s identity

If you believe your loved one was a victim of neglect, abuse, or financial exploitation, nursing home malpractice lawyers in Phoenix, AZ from Rispoli Law, PLLC can investigate your case to help determine the best legal options for your loved one. If you are noticing any of these warning signs, it is important to document all related information and provide as much detail as possible. This can help build a stronger case and ensure that justice is done.

The Legal Rights of Your Loved One

There are laws and regulations that are intended to protect senior citizens. Nursing home residents have rights and it is vital that the nursing home facility respect those rights. If they do not, nursing home malpractice lawyers in Phoenix, AZ from Rispoli Law, PLLC can pursue legal action against them on your family’s behalf. The rights that your loved one is entitled to while residing in a nursing home include:

  • Being free from discrimination
  • Being free from neglect and abuse
  • Receiving proper medical care
  • Being treated with respect
  • Not being held with restraints
  • Managing their own money
  • Participate in activities
  • Receiving proper privacy and living arrangements
  • Filing complaints
  • Spending their time with visitors
  • Protection against involuntary discharge or transfer
  • Receiving information on fees and services

Get the Right Help

If you are worried that your loved one is not being treated properly at their nursing facility, act as quickly as you can. Our firm helps senior citizens who have experienced misjustice while living in a place they once thought was safe. The goal of Rispoli Law, PLLC is to recover fair compensation for our clients who have been mistreated. We understand how devastating it can be when your loved one is harmed by a nursing home that was supposed to provide care and comfort to them. Talk to the nursing home malpractice lawyers Phoenix, AZ families turn to from Rispoli Law, PLLC by calling us today.


Should you find it necessary to enroll yourself or a loved one in a nursing home or other long term care facility, it is absolutely critical that you NEVER sign an arbitration agreement. These documents are not a pre-condition for admission, despite what any facility representative tells you, and are often lumped in with the stack of paperwork you are required to sign during the admission process. These types of arbitration agreements are designed to protect the facility from being held fully responsible for any negligence should it occur during the stay at the facility. More and more people are starting to wake up to the rampant abuse of forced arbitration in nursing homes and pressuring the government to end the practice. You can help, and learn more, by visiting here and signing the pledge to protect seniors' rights!

It is often a difficult decision for a family to relocate an elderly loved one in a nursing home, but when that decision if finally made, the family places their trust in the nursing home – the administration and the staff – to ensure their loved one is being taken care of. The family trusts that their loved one will be treated with respect and compassion, that they all of their personal needs will be tended to, as well as all of their medical needs. However, the amount of research a family does when looking for the right facility, they may still worry that their loved one may not be getting the quality of care they need. Unfortunately, these worries are often grounded in reality. If your loved one resides in a nursing home and you are concerned that he or she may be suffering as a result of abuse or neglect, please do not hesitate to contact Phoenix, AZ nursing home malpractice lawyers today. Abuse and neglect can be difficult to spot, so suspicions should be taken seriously if/until proven unfounded.

Unfortunately, many nursing home residents are unable to communicate with their family that they are being mistreated, either because they are physically unable to or out of fear. This is why it is critical for family of nursing home patients to make sure their loved one is not being neglected or abused.

Tragically, there are far too many nursing home abuse and neglect cases that happen these days and those numbers continue to rise. Phoenix, AZ nursing home malpractice lawyers understand that this problem is both serious and alarmingly commonplace. One sign that a nursing home resident is being neglected involves not receiving their medications as prescribed. Maybe they are being given the wrong dose or they are not receiving the medicine when they should. This can be extremely dangerous, especially for an elderly resident who already has their immune system weakened due to chronic medical conditions.

There are many different forms that medication neglect can take place in a nursing home. Some of the more common that Phoenix, AZ nursing home malpractice lawyers see include:

  •       Crushing medication (such as tablets or capsules) that specifically has instruction of “do not crush”
  •       Failure to properly mix medication
  •       Inadequate fluid for medications that require they be taken with water
  •       Inadequate food for medication that require they be taken with food
  •       Missed doses of medication
  •       Resident given the wrong medication
  •       Residents being given expired medication
  •       Under doses of medication

According to results of studies about medication errors in nursing homes, there are 30 medication errors made for every 100 beds a nursing home has. When a resident is given the wrong medication or incorrect dose, they can suffer injury, discomfort, or pain. Depending on the resident’s condition and the circumstances of the error, the mistake can make the medical condition the resident suffers from even worse. And this is just a single example of the ways in which a nursing home resident may suffer as a result of abuse and/or neglect.

Nursing Home Resident Rights

Before choosing a nursing home for yourself or someone you love, it is important to understand how these arrangements work. Specifically, it is a very good idea to know what rights a nursing home resident has. In 1987, the U.S. passed the Nursing Home Reform Law, which established which laws are universal for nursing home residents across the entire country. Individual states may have their own rights, but these laws are granted to every nursing home resident. You should research the rights granted in your state, or speak with a nursing home attorney on the matter.

The Nursing Home Reform Law

It may be highly beneficial to read the small details about the rights granted in the Nursing Home Reform Law, but the general rights granted are:


  • The Right to a Dignified Existence – Every resident has the right to respect and dignity. No resident can be abused or neglected and must have their quality of life maintained in a home-like environment.
  • The Right to Self-Determination – Every resident has the right to choose activities, health care providers, accommodation preferences, and treatment options.
  • The Right to Be Fully Informed – Every resident must be informed about the type of care they receive, the risks and benefits of it, any changes to their care, and the rules and regulations of the nursing home.
  • The Right to Raise Grievances – Every resident has the right to present grievances without fear of retaliation or discrimination, and the right to have these grievances addressed and fixed when possible.
  • The Right of Access – Every resident has the right to access their medical and personal records and belongings, and the right to visitors at any time.
  • Financial Affairs Rights – Every resident has the right to manage their financial affairs and information about the cost of services.
  • The Right to Privacy – Every resident has the right to personal, medical, and financial privacy.
  • Discharge and Transfer Rights – Every resident has the right to appeal decisions to be transferred or discharged, and cannot be transferred or discharged while an appeal is active. Every resident must be given warning 30 days before a transfer or discharge, including information about the reason, date, and destination.

Again, this is not an exhaustive list of the rights outlined in the Nursing Home Reform Law, but this list does cover every category of rights and gives a general overview of all the rights. If you are curious about all the rights granted to the residents of nursing homes, you should read the Nursing Home Reform Law yourself or speak with the nursing malpractice lawyers in Phoenix.

Let a Nursing Home Abuse Attorney Help

If you suspect your loved one is a victim of nursing home abuse or neglect, the legal team at Rispoli Law, PLLC is here to help. To speak with dedicated Phoenix, Arizona nursing home malpractice lawyers today in order to find out if your family is eligible for financial compensation for the harm your loved one has suffered, call our office to schedule a free and confidential consultation. Even if you are unsure if abuse has taken place, please do not hesitate to speak up and find out for sure.

You Don't Want a Handout, You Want Justice. We Know and We Will Help. Call us at (213) 292-5200.

Our firm is more than willing to talk to you about a potential legal claim for nursing home abuse, or do our best to answer any other questions you have about long term care in general. If you need to speak with one of our experienced nursing home malpractice lawyers in Phoenix, AZ, please do not hesitate to call 602-412-5775 (toll free 866-972-3212) or email.


At Rispoli Law, we have litigated numerous nursing home and abuse and neglect cases over a wide rage of issues, including:

  • Bed sores
  • Pressure wounds
  • Pressure sores
  • Decubitus ulcers
  • Failure to diagnose or properly treat infections including:
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Clostridium difficile
  • Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
  • Falls, including injuries caused by those falls such as:
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Fractures (hip, shoulder, leg, arm)
  • Dehydration
  • Physical, psychological, financial and sexual abuse
  • Sepsis
  • Elopement / Wandering
  • Mismanagement of medication administration
  • Failure to abide by a physician's orders
  • Negligent credentialing and hiring of staff
  • Wrongful death caused by one or more of these issues listed above 

You Don't Want a Handout, You Want Justice. We Know and We Will Help. Call us at (213) 292-5200.

Our firm is more than willing to talk to you about a potential legal claim for nursing home abuse, or do our best to answer any other questions you have about long term care in general. lf you need an experienced elderly abuse attorney, please do not hesitate to call 602-412-5775 (toll free 866-972-3212) or email.

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